What are the Best Horse Fencing Options?

As you travel past horse farms, you’ll notice many types of fencing. With so many choices, it can be confusing to know which is the best among so many horse fencing options. Horse Fencing Cost and Price Comparison POST AND RAIL HORSE FENCE (Wood, PVC, Pipe, Cable)Traditional three- and four-board wood fence is a classic look for horse fence. Advantages — Post and rail fencing is attractive, sturdy and relatively long-lasting. It is usually easy for horses to see these boundaries. Disadvantages — Whether the construction is wood, vinyl or metal, these fences are rigid. That might be considered a...
Fence Safety: What to Look For

Fencing is an important investment, and one that’s critical to the safety of your horses. The best way to evaluate fencing options is with horse sense—not your own, but that of your horse. Your horse’s sense of sight and touch are the most important senses to consider when comparing horse fence safety. Sight - Fence Visibility Horses have limited eyesight, so high visibility is the most important safety factor to consider when choosing your fence. A startled or frightened horse on the run needs to SEE the fence to avoid it. Rigid fences of wood, vinyl or metal are...
Preparing an ElectroBraid Fence for Winter

The continued safety of your horses depends on an ElectroBraid electric fence that works properly. Routine fence checks are important year-round, but are especially important when preparing for cold, wintery weather. When the temperatures plummet, it’s not only uncomfortable to carry out fence maintenance chores, accumulating ice and snow may make viewing and accessing fencing components difficult, or close to impossible. Below is a list of checks to complete to prepare your electric fence for winter. Visual inspection of your ElectroBraid fence: In autumn and early winter, walk or travel the perimeter of your electric fence and be on the...
Horse Fencing Cost & Pricing Comparison

Horse fencing is a major investment, and one that you want to get right the first time. After all, the safety of your horses is at stake. Here’s a list of horse fencing options, listed in order from least expensive to most expensive based on the materials needed for installation. If you will not be installing the fence yourself, you’ll need to factor in the cost of labor expense as well for your total horse fencing cost. $ ELECTROBRAID $1.54 installed price per foot Average life expectancy: 25+ years Physical and psychological barrier: With a 25-year warranty, ElectroBraid is a...
Importance of Grounding

The most important part of setting up your ElectroBraid Fence is installing a proper ground system. Through the years, we’ve found that nearly 90% of all problems in an electric fence are the result of poorly or improperly installed grounds. With that in mind, we want to offer you this quick guide to grounding your electric fencing for horses. If it isn't grounded, it won't shock! So, how does a grounded fence work? When an animal touches the electrically charged fence wire, the animal feels the electric current as the charge passes through the body. The charge then completes the circuit...